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Lesson Plans

Here is a list of documents created and utilized during the project.

Sample Lesson Plans

Coming Soon The SolyAgua team developed lesson plans for 6th grade math and social studies, 7th grade math, 8th grade geometry, and 8th grade English. These plans used the Sol y Agua game and bilingual strategies. Those plans will be uploaded here soon.

A sample draft of a lesson plan is linked below


Learning Outcomes

Sol Y Agua is an educational game created for middle-school students and centered on planning the design of a park. The game teaches them about water sustainability, and complementary environmental issues relating to the relationship between the people living in the area, and the environment's availability of water. Specifically, the game takes place in the Southwest United States region, a dry area. The game will aim at motivating students to develop an environmentally conscious mindset as well as inspiring them to pursue STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics) careers. The game has an emphasis in promoting the demographic of this area and minorities towards developing careers in STEM, where they are largely underrepresented. The learning outcomes document details the Texas Essentials of Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) Standards' Learning Outcomes as well as the game learning outcomes based on the activities created.


Game Structure

The Sol y Agua Project will target different pedagogical approaches to immerse students in STEM related careers. These approaches include: Situated Cognition, Constructivist, Interdisciplinary, and Discovery Learning Approach. The approaches are described in section 2 of this document. The project will use immersive interfaces and technologies to create a realistic gaming experience for the user. The document details the storyline of the game and explains how the student will traverse the game in sections 3, 4, 5, and 6 explore the different field experts, game play, and activity hierarchy for the game, respectively.


Activity Hierarchy

The game's activities were designed to incorporate particular Texas Essentials of Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) Standards. The activity hierarchy maps the different activities designed for the game through the evaluation of the TEKS Standards, lessons, and concepts necessary to complete the activity. Lessons appear in red, concepts appear in black, and activities appear in blue.

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